
编辑 家庭的乐趣


如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. 以下是一些顶级旅游和体验!
我第一次来奥克兰 Rangitoto岛 是在小学的八年级旅行吗.  Our teacher organised us into a crocodile line and told us not to go wandering off over the lava fields as we struck out towards the summit.  我记得那天很热,我花了很长时间才到达山顶. There was a feeling of apprehension looking down into the crater wondering if it would erupt while we were up there.
长着成年人的腿, walking to Rangitoto's summit actually only takes around one hour and Rangitoto is not likely to erupt any time soon, 这是专家告诉我们的.  如今,随着 漂洗工 火山探险之旅,你甚至不用走路.  一辆四轮驱动的公路火车将带您直达环形山轨道, 从那里爬到山顶只需短短的15分钟. 
The main thing you will notice when you arrive on Rangitoto岛 is the amazing amount of lava and scoria everywhere.  This is because the island is a shield volcano which means it is made entirely from liquid lava which has cooled down and then hardened.  It was formed between 1400 and 1450 and Maori witnesses to the spectacular eruptions gave the volcano the name Rangitoto, 或者是流血的天空. 
During the late 19th century Rangitoto was designated a recreational reserve and it became a popular spot for day trips from 奥克兰. Most of the roads were built by inmates from 太伊甸园 Prison who worked on improving Rangitoto' visitor experience in the 1920s and 1930s.  During this period around 140 small holiday houses or baches were constructed along the shoreline at Rangitoto Wharf, 伊斯灵顿湾和灯塔端. 
Since there was now a small community on the island prisoners were again sent over to build a swimming pool  and community hall. 今天, nobody lives on Rangitoto and most of these baches have been removed but a few have been preserved, 比如巴赫38,现在是一个博物馆.  其他的正在由兰吉托托岛历史保护信托基金进行修复. 
朗伊托托是一个特殊的环境,受自然保育部保护。.  这里有200多种植物,拥有世界上最大的波胡图卡瓦森林.  彻底消灭老鼠, 猫, 兔子和白鼬是在2011年进行的,所以鸟类的生活很繁荣, 尤其是濒临灭绝的本土马鞍背被重新引入岛上. 
朗伊托托为游客提供各种短途和长途步行.  The most popular is the aforementioned summit track to the crater which has panoramic views of 奥克兰城市 和怀特玛塔港.  A pleasant diversion on the way back down, especially if you have kids, are the lava caves.  There are seven caves to explore which require a torch (your Smartphone torch may do) and the longest cave is around 50 metres. 
除了直达朗伊托托码头的山顶路线, there is a longer walk that splits off before the Lava Caves Track called Wilson's Park Track.  这将使您到达山顶的旅程增加大约45分钟.
从 the top you can also get back to Rangitoto Wharf by taking McKenzie Bay Road from Summit Road which leads around the western shoreline.  这条路线单程需要3小时45分钟. 
Islington Bay is on the east side of Rangitoto and can reached via Summit Road once you're at the top or by the Coastal Track from the wharf (2 hours 30 one way).  Motutapu岛 也可以从海岸轨道的终点到达.
The short walks you can do from Rangitoto Wharf include Kowhai Grove (45 minute return), Kidney Fern Glen (45 minute return) and Flax Point and historic baches (1 hour return).
如果你想参观巴赫38, 您需要在到达之前通过电子邮件info@rangitoto预约.org.  巴赫博物馆位于码头,每天开放. 
漂洗工渡轮 每天从码头街码头开往朗伊托托岛 奥克兰的市中心德文波特.  全程需要25分钟.  If you want to go on the Volcanic Explorer Tour you can book this with your ferry ticket.
你们需要自备食物和水, 因为朗伊托托岛上没有咖啡馆或食品店, 把垃圾带回家. DOC advises that no dogs or other animals are allowed and all bags and food containers must be checked for pests and sealed. 鞋子必须干净,没有泥土和种子.  码头上有厕所,帽子和防晒霜是必须的.
Check the times for the last ferry sailing and leave enough time to be back at the wharf, 你不想在那里过夜,因为那里没有住宿.  在Motutapu岛上的首页 Bay有一个露营地, 所以,如果最坏的情况发生了,你总是可以走到那里,乞求一张床. 


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